Completed projects
Huguenot Primary Remedial Project
Coronation Fund Managers assigned this project to LTL in 2019.
The aim of this project was to assist 16 grade 2 learners who struggled with disciplinary and learning challenges at Huguenot Primary School in Mitchells Plain. The learners officially started class on 18 February 2019 and the interventions that they’ve received showed significant positive change in their behaviour and interaction with the other learners.
There were 2 holiday camp programmes. As part of the holistic change that this projects aims to bring about, an opportunity was presented for the learners where various interventions and practical exercises were be conducted in order to develop and enhance their growth, emotional well-being and physical strength in a safe environment.
The project ended in giving the learners the best Christmas they have ever had at LTL’s office in December. They had a father Christmas and the venue was set as if in a snow landscape . The learners received lunch and amazing gifts.